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Cutting Edge Film == Cutting Edge Computer Animation

Animation in 2D actually predates the motion picture by many years; it first appeared in 19th century parlor toys likethe zoetrope and the flip book. It fully came into its own with the advent of movies, however, and is irrevocablyassociated with the film medium. Traditional 2D animation uses colored cells, each once depicting a single frame offilm. Animators change each cell slightly for each new frame, giving the resulting image the illusion of movement.

Tokyo. In “Babylon, artisans pressed cuneiform inscriptions into clay bricks or tablets which were used for construction. The bricks gave information such as the name of the reigning monarch, the builder.

Winsor McKay

Winsor McKay and the Animation Studioso Animator Winsor McKay first grasp the possibility of animated films in the early 20th century and produced themedium’s first real classics (notably his 1914 film “Gertie the Dinosaur” which depicted a friendly brontosaurusinteracting with a live man in front of the screen). His films took a long time to produce, however, since he drew themall by hand. Subsequent animators like John Bray and Raoul Barre noted the inefficiency and by 1920 had openedstudios employing dozens of animators to produce films more rapidly. The studio system eventually came todominate 2D animation.Messmer and Walt Disney

136 B.C. found on the Rosetta Stone. “The Rosetta stone, found by one of Napoleon’s engineers was an advertisement for the Egyptian ruler. This was the first known road sign announcing the name of the governo of a state or mayor of the city. The Egyptians developed communication by hieroglyphics that used picture symbols

The Explicit Implicit Interaction theory

or some other dignitary”.[3] This was the first known road sign announcing the name of the governor of a state or mayor of the city. The Egyptians developed communication by hieroglyphics that used picture symbols dating as far back as The Egyptians developed communication by hieroglyphics that used picture symbols dating as far back as.

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The Egyptians developed communication by hieroglyphics that used picture symbols dating as far back as. The Egyptians developed communication by hieroglyphics that used picture symbols dating as far back as

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